VG Studios


09/10/2011 06:44

The removal of contaminants from water

There has been a tremendous response for activated carbon filtration process. According to this process, the medium of water is passed on to the tank which has been specially built with carbon filters. These carbon filters vary in size is and have the capacity to block 0.5 to 50 µm particles sizes of contaminants present in water. As there are different contaminants present, it is necessary to purify water to use it for regular usage. In this particular process, a carbon particle is activated to the positive charge so that it can attract all the negative contaminants that are flowing in the water.

An activated carbon filtration process uses the technology of attracting negative particles to remove contaminants from water. Apart from this, it uses two categories of filtrations namely - carbon block filter or granular filter. Depending upon the requirement, one will have two assemble varying levels of these filters in order to remove the above said particles sizes from water. This particular process is best useful to remove clothing, sediments and volatile organic compounds from water. It is ineffective for dissolved organic compounds, minerals and salts.

An activated carbon filtration methodology can be combined with reverse osmosis method in order to further purify water. The medium of water is first passed onto the carbon filtration tank after which it is rooted to the reverse osmosis process. During this process, after the removal of contaminants, necessary addition of minerals and salts take place which makes the water a complete pH balance. This water can then be utilized by human being to carry out regular activities. The effectiveness of carbon filters depends upon the amount of water that is flown and the rate at which it is flown into the tank. When the water is allowed to flow at a reduced speed, contaminants are exposed for a longer time to the activated carbon filters.

Now that you have understood about activated carbon filtration process, it is time for you to establish a unit which will supply purified water. This particular installation will completely depend upon the requirement and hence, best suited for residential complexes. Individual houses can look forward to attachments that are available in the market that can be directly clubbed to the pipeline system. There are many service providers available who offer quality service in installation of carbon filtration tank. Approaching such providers will provide an opportunity to understand the methodology more easily.
